1:1 Marketing Rescue Session

For most of my life, I've been too proud to ask for help. I always viewed asking for help as a sign of weakness. At some point during my formative years, that was instilled in my head as a way of life.

Asking for help has been a very hard lesson to learn, and I still have to rap myself on the knuckles to remember the lessons even today. If I had to go back and do my life over again, I would ask for help sooner, especially as it relates to my business.

What were the costs of waiting to ask for help? Wasting my time trying to figure something out on my own, lost revenue, lost time with family, lost opportunities for business growth...you get the idea.

Don't let your pride stand in the way of getting a different point of view to help you move forward in your business.

That's why I offer 1:1 Marketing Rescue Sessions. This is the best way to get answers, strategies, new ideas and "how-tos" that will work for your business without committing to a long-term relationship.

What's included in your 1:1 Marketing Rescue Session?

  • a questionnaire so you can define exactly how you want to spend our time together.
  • 60-minutes of 1:1 time with me where you get all of your questions answered
  • a recording of the session that you can listen to again and again
  • a brief follow-up report of any steps outlined or resources recommended during the session

What are some samples of results will you see after your strategy session? (depends on the focus you choose)

  • Many new ideas to take your marketing in a different direction if you feel stuck in a marketing rut
  • An automated marketing plan that keeps your pipeline full so that you don't have to go out prospecting for clients
  • Ongoing traffic to your website from your ideal client who purchases from you
  • A business that will make money for you while you sleep
  • Clients eagerly enrolling in your signature program
  • A list of prospects who like, know and trust you and will buy from you when they are ready to solve their problem
  • The breakdown of the best tools you can use to implement the suggested strategies

What's Your Investment?

It's $397 for the most useful hour you'll ever have in your business. 

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