Industries We Serve

Please click on the image to be taken to a sample page highlighting posts from the industry. Your business logo will replace the business logo on the sample page.

Home Service Businesses

Medical Businesses

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Professional Service Businesses


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Note: We offer specialized restaurant postings but do not have sample pages for them at this time.

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Motivational/National Days/Holidays

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We can add any of above three (Holidays, Motivational, National Days) to your current package for an extra $99/month. Or, you can pick these 3 packages for $199/month.

Other industries are being added all the time. If you don't see yours listed, please ask!

Frequently Asked Questions

Isn't posting 2 times a day on my Facebook page too much?

No. It's exactly the right amount.

You have to keep in mind that your page's fans won't be seeing every post that we push live. If we post 2x a day (7 days a week), your average Facebook page fan will only see 1-2 of those posts.

This posting frequency ensures that you satisfy the Facebook algorithm and have maximum opportunity to get in front of your audience (while still showing new visitors that you are absolutely on top of your page).

PLEASE NOTE: Because you're the administrator of your page, you'll see a higher number of your page's posts in your newsfeed (your audience won't see as many posts as you do).

How long does it take to get started once I sign up?

We are fast.

When you click below and get started, it takes us around a week to get all of your content created and to get new posts up on your page. From that point forward, you're going to see new content hitting your page 2x a day. New content starts posting within 7 days and your "page makeover" typically is done within 2 weeks.

Do I have to sign a contract to start using this Service?

Only if you want to!

We have some clients that like to have a contract in place when they get started with our services. We can provide that and get everything ready for you.

That said...If you hate contracts as much as most of clients (and don't want to get locked into anything), we don't require them.

You can use our service month to month. We just ask that you give us a 30 day notice if you're going to cancel your account.

What happens if I want to post on my own page (or delete something)?

The best part of our service is that you still retain 100% control of your page. You can post, change, or delete anything that hits your page at any time without interfering with our service.

You retain full control of your page.

Is your Service Facebook Safe?


We're a stickler for the rules on Facebook and will never do anything that would put your page at risk.

Who can I contact for more questions?

You can call us at 409-449-1950 or send us an email through our contact form here.

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