
Expert Authority Positioning Package

Annalee Kruger

Below are the links to all your deliverables from the Expert Authority Positioning Package to either download as a pdf or zip file or that will take you to a website where that asset is hosted.

Depending on the package your purchased, some of the options may not be available to you. However, they are available for purchase.

Click on the hyperlinked text to download your resource.

Watch this short video that gives you an overview of the resources available on this page.

Insert Video

3-D and Mockup Graphics of Book Cover

These are 3-D transparent copies of your book covers as well as images of your book against various backgrounds.

Amazon Best-Seller Campaign

Documentation of your Amazon Best-Seller Campaign. Note: Amazon ratings usually drop 2-3 days after the campaign.

Online Flip Version of Your Book

This is the online flipbook version of your book and QR code image to link to your flipbook.

Your Amazon Best Seller News Release Report 

Download the report, then click on any of the links in the report and it will take you to the site showing your press release. NOTE: release remains online only for a couple of weeks after publication.

Syndicated Radio Show

Click on text below to go to their respective links:

Your Radio Podcast Episode

Video for Your Episode

Graphics for Your Show

Social Media Promo Text

Your Radio Interview News Release Report

Download the report, then click on any of the links in the report and it will take you to the site showing your press release. NOTE: release remains online only for a couple of weeks after publication.

Link to Your News Release

Download  PDF Report of Syndicated News Release

Download PDF Copy of News Release

Link to Video of News Release

Audiogram from the Show

Click on the link below to access a short audiogram clip from your podcast radio interview.

Audiogram MP4

Leverage Your Media Exposure Guide

Click on the link below to access a short report on the best ways to leverage your media exposure and podcast guest appearances.

Authority Press Release 12-month Package

Have a custom media release created every month about some particular aspect of your business and have it syndicated to 350+ media outlets.

One Page Book Website

Have a one-page website about your book built that gives prospects all the pertinent info about your book.

Media Kit

Use this media kit to submit to other podcast producers for their show.

Your Magazine Tear Sheet

Click on text below to download your print ready magazine tear sheet.

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